DRAGADOS helps improve the symbiosis between people and the places they inhabit and use for various purposes, be it leisure, transport, cultural, administrative, health, educational, or residential.
DRAGADOS is constantly exploring new construction systems and solutions to be incorporated in its projects in order to obtain the best results in quality, timeliness and final cost.
DRAGADOS has highly qualified specialists covering all disciplines involved in the development and supervision of any building project and in the execution of the work.
Dragados is proud to have worked with the best architects in the world. Including:
- Arata Isozaki
- Cesar Pelli
- Herzog & de Meuron
- Jean Nouvel
- Juan Navarro Baldeweg
- Estudio Lamela
- Norman Foster
- Peter Eisenman
- Rafael de la Hoz
- Rafael Moneo
- Richard Rogers
- Santiago Calatrava
- Zaha Hadid
Relevant Data | |
Airports, Railway Stations, inter- modal transport hubs: | 69 |
Hospitals, clinics, health centers: | 177 |
Office and administration buildings: | 424 |
Rehabilitation works: | 409 |
Hotels: | 59 |
Universities, technology centers, schools and colleges: | 377 |
Prisons: | 12 |
Malls: | 101 |
Industrial buildings: | 329 |
Sports centers, Football Arenas, Olympic stadiums: | 184 |
Theaters, auditoriums, museums, cultural centers: | 54 |
Residential Buildings: | 1.447 |
TOTAL | 3.642 |